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Una PMI tedesca ed esperta in tecnologie analitiche cerca partner scientifici e industriali per un progetto EIC Pathfinder. Il progetto si basa su una metodologia di modellazione matematica di processi geofisici anomali mediante calcoli di bioritmi naturali e fornisce prove scientifiche e tecnologiche della funzionalità della tecnologia. Crea inoltre una base scientifica pubblica della tecnologia e dei risultati della ricerca con l'obiettivo di sviluppare una nuova direzione scientifica: la risonanza geofisica.
The German SME is an expert in calculations, forecasts, recommendations and solutions for various specific processes. They have developed a methodology of mathematical modelling of anomalous geophysical processes through calculations of natural biorhythms. This new methodology will improve the efficiency of forecasting natural disasters and extreme weather events such as earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, wildfires, hurricanes, winter storms, landslides, volcanic eruptions and droughts.
So far the scientific methodology has been basic research, evaluated by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Germany and the next step will be the verification and discussion of the principles of the technology as well as the creation of basic knowledge for further research by scientific partners.
The methodology is based on a new mathematical modelling of occurrence of natural disasters and extreme weather events in specific regions.
It involves the development, provision and testing of periods during which the most likely manifestations of extreme weather events and possible natural disasters occur. The periods are shown for each month by days for the whole year, with the longest periods of danger indicated.
Publicly available research results and evidence of the functionality of the technology are available upon request.
The SME is interested in forming a project consortium and is looking for scientific and industrial partners. One partner should take over the project management.
The scientific partners should be from the field of geophysics, natural sciences, seismology, volcanology, meteorology. The tasks of the scientific partners are scientific discourse, verification of the methodology. Analysis and testing of calculations and forecasts of ongoing anomalous physical processes. Publication of research results in relevant specialist journals.
The tasks of the industrial partner are to test the quality and to develop the possibilities of applying the technologies in new and existing systems in the prediction of natural disasters and extreme weather events.
The SME is also interested in enriching existing consortia as a partner with its technologies.
Codice di riferimento della ricerca partner: RDRDE20250107016
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- se localizzati in Emilia Romagna, compilare il modulo per manifestare il proprio interesse
- se localizzati in altre regioni d'Italia, individuare l'ente di riferimento per la propria regione sul sito ufficiale di Enterprise Europe Network riportando, in ogni caso, il codice di riferimento.
Per pubblicare la vostra ricerca partner nel database della rete Enterprise Europe Network è possibile contattare l’ente di riferimento della rete EEN. Qualora localizzati in Emilia-Romagna potete contattare ART-ER all’indirizzo e-mail simpler@art-er.it